5 Keys to find a great partner gym
A good training partner will help you get the best results from your exercise plan. It is easy to get rid of the gym when you're on your own, but it is much harder to blow off a friend who is expecting presents.
In addition, a training partner will push you to work harder. In the gym with a partner you can double the duration of your workout, researchers at the Michigan State University say.
But the trick is finding the right person for the job. Here are five qualities of the perfect swolemate.
- It is reliable.
- He knows his style.
- He is stronger than you.
- Maintain your mouth shut.
- He bolsters you—to a degree.
It is no use making a date gymnastics bromantic if your partner does not appear. Choose a friend who will not rescue you, or even better, find someone who annoyingly text in the leg day to stop you from jumping out.
After all, it is better to have a bar on the back of your gym buddy.
An observer who knows he likes to pause at the bottom of a representative was not to throw him on the ground in and grab the bar too soon.
A beginner will not help you hit a new PR, but someone who outlifts will boost their efforts. Points to a partner that is 40 percent stronger than you and pushes you 90 percent more difficult, says research at the University of Kansas.
In a study conducted at Michigan State University, some people do boards while their partners shouted phrases generic motivation as "push!" As a result, they could not keep the planks, as long as the participants who exercised breathless.
How? Although he is only trying to help, it is easy to interpret nature shouts of your partner as condescending, especially when you are doing all the sweat.
Leave your cheering section at home. Great support close friends can actually decrease your motivation to go after your goals, research of the Association for Psychological Science found.
Blaming something called "self-regulatory outsourcing", which unconsciously substitute their support for their real effort. As a result, you will feel less driven to push.