Optimizing SEO Links Blogger tags?

Optimizing SEO Links Blogger tags?

Hey guys, you know what the blogger labels?, Blogger tags are links that we add when we create a new entry. We can add as many tags to a single post. These tags are basically labels, but Blogger by default are called tags. Clicking on a link tag, which opens with all the posts that. WordPress are called tags. These tags are used to enhance user navigation, because if the visitor is visiting a blog in a post / page specific to that he / she may be more interested in your blog entries. Therefore, have labels in the sidebar is a good idea. But the problem is when search engines crawl your robots blog, who need only one URL for each page of your blog for crawling and indexing. By default crawl all pages and the links included labels. So this makes a little bit of confusion for robots. Because its unique position to obtain accessible through different directions ie tags and files the actual URL of the message. So as not to confuse search bots for better SEO and need to change labels labels only for search engines. Robots have become advanced and can determine the label and the actual URL. Once tag attribute for links to add labels do not face any punishment of search engines like Google.

Now let's start doing this, this is basically a very simple procedure and you have to just add an attribute to the HTML section of your blog. It does not take more than a minute. But I wanted to clarify their doubts about this. In my next posts, I also will teach you how to optimize comments' link on Blogger and file links in Blogger. Now let's start optimizing links blogger labels.

Optimizing Blogger tags?

This is a step you can do to optimize your blogger links. We will just add an additional attribute to our blogger labels and that works for all our blog, now follow the steps below:

  • Go to Blogger and login
  • Then Template -> HTML -> Proceed
  • Check Expand Widget Blogger template
  • Now looking piece of below code

<a expr:href=’data:label.url’

  • Replace above code with this one below: 
<a expr:href=’data:label.url’ rel=’tag’

  • Save the template and you're done.

Note: If the rel = "tag" is already there, then do nothing.

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